Aulas preparatórias com a professora Juliana Farias

20 June 2013

Cambridge Speaking Paper - FCE - CAE - CPE

FCE speaking test

Charline (French)
Grammar and Vocabulary 3.0
Discourse Management 3.0
Pronunciation 3.5
Interactive Communication 3.0

Alice (Italian)
Grammar and Vocabulary 3.5
Discourse Management 3.0
Pronunciation 3.5
Interactive Communication 3.5

CAE speaking test
Grammatical Resource 3.0
Lexical Resource 3.0
Discourse Management 3.5
Pronunciation 3.0
Interactive Communication 3.5

Grammatical Resource 3.5
Lexical Resource 3.5
Discourse Management 3.5
Pronunciation 3.5
Interactive Communication 4.0

Speaking tests are conducted by trained examiners. The quality assurance of Speaking Examiners (SEs) is managed by Team Leaders (TLs) who are in turn responsible to a Professional Support Leader (PSL), who is the professional representative of Cambridge English Language Assessment for the Speaking tests in a given country or region. All of the examiners (PSLs, TLs and SEs) must prove each year, through a certification process, that they are competent to assess. In addition, they are regularly monitored during live testing sessions.

Although candidates take the test in pairs or groups of three, throughout the test they are assessed on their individual performance and not in relation to each other. They are awarded marks by two examiners: an assessor and an interlocutor.

The interlocutor awards a mark for the performance as a whole, using the Global Achievement scale.
The assessor awards marks for five individual criteria:
  • Grammatical Resource
  • Lexical Resource
  • Discourse Management
  • Pronunciation
  • Interactive Communication.

You can find more information on the assessment criteria and a guide on how to use them in Assessing speaking performance.

New words of 2010 added to Oxford Dictionary

19 June 2013

IELTS Speaking - 5 Minute Functions

To be awarded that top grade in IELTS Speaking you’ll need to show the examiner you have a breadth of vocabulary and don’t repeat the same words or expressions again and again.
Watch our ’5-Minute Functions’ video below to find out the various phrases you can use to talk about your likes and dislikes. Then practise using these phrases by answering some of the questions below.

Access this webpage here and go to for other videos.

6 June 2013

Phrasal Verbs - Ask somebody out

From Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary

Ask somebody out:

to invite somebody to go out with you, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship
He's too shy to ask her out.

Dating Idioms - Do you have a crush on idioms?

5 June 2013

How to - Such and So

Phrasal verb - Take off

From Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary

Take off:

1 (of an aircraft, leave the ground and begin to fly
The plane took off an hour late.related noun take-off

4 June 2013

10 Funniest English idioms

Phrasal Verbs - Grow up

From Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary

Grow up:

1 (of a personto develop into an adult
She grew up in Boston (= lived there as a child). / Their children have all grown up and left home now.

Phrasal Verbs - Switch off

From Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary

Switch something  off/on:

to turn a light, machine, etc. off/on by pressing a button or switch
Please switch the lights off as you leave. / How do you switch this thing on? The electricity has been switched off. We only switched on halfway through the programme.

20 May 2013

Idioms - Be on cloud nine

From Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary
On cloud nine
(old-fashionedinformalextremely happy
She was on cloud nine when she heard the news.

Idioms - Be over the moon

Over the moon
 (informalespecially British Englishextremely happy and excitedThey're over the moon about their trip to Japan.

TOEFL - Exam structure

TOEFL IBT exam structure!

IELTS - Exam structure

IELTS exam structure!

19 May 2013

Learn sth every day - Present simple

If you are studying the present simple tense, pay attention to the language in these images!

Click here to check the rest of the images!

Learn sth every day - Passive

If you are studying the passive voice, pay attention to the language in these images!

Click here to check the rest of the images!

29 April 2013

Welcome To Computer School, Class Of '93

An amazing cut from an early 90s instructional video. 
Warning: you may never use a typewriter again.

23 April 2013 - House vocabulary

Ireland biggest property site
Vocabulary about buying, renting and sharing houses?

Game - angry birds

Animal idioms


to enjoy yourself very much

We had a whale of a time on holiday.


to allow a secret to be known, usually without intending to 

I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Mel went and let the cat out of the bag.

for a very long time

I could sit here and argue with you till the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything.

If you are in the doghouse, someone is annoyed with you and shows their disapproval 

I'm in the doghouse - I broke Sara's favourite vase this morning.

Types of girls

Pablo Stanley, according to his facebook page, is just a guy that loves to design, draw and tell silly stories. Biografia Colorblind. Vegetarian. Gemini. Gangster. Ninja. Loner. Mexican. Cumbia dancer. Nerd. Punk. Love Doctor. Star Wars Geek. Gamer... 9gagger.

 chair, nature, teach
ʃ she, sure, emotion, leash

Your X You're

Formal register

Idiom - Have your cake and eat it too

for Hallmark

From Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:


 (British English) (also have your cake and eat it too North American English,British English) to have the advantages of something without its disadvantages; to have both things that are available

Games - Doodle Devil

Já postamos aqui o Doodle God, um jogo mega viciante!
Agora encontramos o Doodle Devil!

Game - Doodle God

16 April 2013

How to use an apostrophe

American English File website

Welcome to American English File online!

Learn more English here with interactive exercises and games. Practice your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening, and have some fun too!

Flo-Joe website

About Flo-Joe

What they do: They help you, the Cambridge exam candidate, to prepare for your FCE, CAE or CPE exam.

From their website: At Flo-Joe we don’t go for meaningless Mission Statements. Our goal is quite simple: we want you to pass your exam! (And, if you’re an English language tutor, we want to make it easier for you to manage your exam preparation classes). Preparing for an English Language qualification is a serious business. Our experience of working with exam students over the years has taught us that the biggest obstacles you face are:

  • Finding time to study outside the classroom
  • Staying motivated and in control of your learning
  • Organising your study time effectively for maximum results

Oxford website

Today's tip is the website from OXFORD university press. There are many games, comics and exercises for each coursebook's website. Click here to check their website and happy studying!

Fast and Loose - Interpretive dance

I love the program Fast and Loose. They have this Interpretive dance bit which I think it's wonderful. Take a look!

Check the others:

10 words you need to stop misspelling

The Oatmeal is a humourous website that produces comics, one of which is 10 Words You Need To Stop Misspelling. These words would be good ones to practise (as opposed to ‘practice’), as these are the ones I see misused most regularly.


Homophones are words which sound the same, but have different meanings and are usually spelled differently. Common homophones often lose (as opposed to ‘loose’) pupils marks in exams. These cartoons are from Pablo Stanley!

Obama's Presidential Campaign

These are posts from USA President Obama from his 2012 political campaign.
Check the use of the simple past tense in the posters.

Passive structure + Vocabulary + Phrasal verbs

Vocabulary - Crime and Punishment

1) Assaltar casa: to burgle (GB), to rob, to steal, to burglarize.
"Our house was burglarized." - "Nossa casa foi assaltada."
"I was robbed." - "Fui roubado(a)."
"He stole my purse." - "Ele roubou minha bolsa".

2) Assaltar pessoas (fora de casa, com violência): to mug.
"I was mugged right now." - "Fui assaltado agora."

Outras frases relacionadas:

3) Roubo à mão armada: to hold up.
"They held up a drugstore." - "Fizeram um assalto na drogaria".
4) No esporte boxe: round.
"Round 1. Fight!" - "1º assalto. Lutem!"(essa é a famosa frase do jogo Street Fight 2).

5) Roubo de carro, moto, bicicleta: car/motorcycle/bicycle theft.
"Suddenly, it happened a car theft." - "De repente aconteceu um roubo de carro."

6) Saquear (surpermercado, banco, etc): to raid.
"Two men raided the bank." - "Dois homens saquearam o banco."

a) Use o verbo "to steal" quando se descreve o objeto no assalto.
"He stole my purse." - "Ele roubou minha bolsa".

b) Use o verbo "to rob" quando não precisar descrever o objeto roubado.
"I was robbed." - "Fui roubado(a)."

As pessoas que cometem os crimes:

1) Ladrão de banco: robber.
2) Ladrão de casa: burglar.
3) Ladrão de pessoas: mugger.
4) Sequestrador: kidnapper.
5) Ladrão em geral: Thief.
6) Ladrão que rouba coisas de loja sem pagar: shoplifter.
7) Ladrão de colarinho-branco: White-collar criminal.
8) Menino(a) ladrão, trombadinha: street urchin, child thief, juvenile delinquent, pickpocket

Vocabulary - work

Vocabulary - Work:

Music - Abba

15 April 2013

Music - Journey

How Glee might have ruined Journey's songs!
We used a Prezi presentation to talk about the many Journey songs the TV serie Glee managed to ruin somehow. If you couldn't come and is curious to check what happened take a look at the link below.

Of course we know that there are many Glee fans around. We just want to let you know that this is a joke. We do respect their work and we have to credit them with the introduction of many important bands and artists to teenagers and adults. So.. don't be mad at us! hehehhehe..

Face Maker Game

Drag and drop the items to make a new face according to the description! A game to practise the parts of the face (hair, eyes, ears, nose, teeth, lips...).

Click here to play!

Linking words

Other ways to say

Vocabulary - Holiday and Travel

Comics - Pablo Stanley

Pablo Stanley started working in publicity companies in 1999. He got a job as Creative Director for an international company in San Diego, California. He created his own clothing brand “Stanley+Colors” and opened an exclusive store of his own designs in Mexicali. He has been in different bands. He formed a punk rock band named Dead Stanleys, which broke up in 2006. The electro-pop group Magnolia Ave. Toured in Mexico and Spain as ‘Da Perv” and now DJs under the name Pablo Stanley and produces under the name Hustlehoff. He began writing comics in January 1st 2012. From there he hasn’t stopped. let’s hope he doesn’t.

Beware of people taking idioms literally, especially when you ask them to "cut the crap"